Winter Institute

Introducing Winter Institute & a Call for Proposals

The Professional Development Committee is thrilled to announce the inaugural Winter Institute. An idea inspired by NYSACAC’s Winter Institute, NEACAC is excited to bring this opportunity to New England. This program is intended for those who may be new to the profession of admission counseling or college counseling. Whether you missed Summer Institute or you would like some additional programming to support you in your first year or two in this field, this program is perfect for you!  

WhenWednesday, January 15 
Where: Boston College 

Registration details will be shared in November, so be sure to save the date! 

In order to put on a robust and comprehensive program, we will need great presentations proposed by the NEACAC membership. This is a great opportunity to dip your toe into the session presenter experience! Please submit a proposal by November 15 using this form. Want to present, but aren’t sure what about? We are looking for sessions that cover a wide array of topics: having tough conversations with students and families, establishing strong relationships with your coworkers and supervisor, financial aid, collaborating with college counselors, and anything you may be specifically interested in sharing information about! 

Questions about Winter Institute? Contact [email protected] or [email protected]