The committee is led by the former Past-President and assists in securing candidates for available offices and coordinates the election process. Nominations for leadership positions will open in November. This committee also organizes the “Professional of the Year”, “William S. Neal”, ''IDEAL", and ''NEACAC Rising Star'' awards process.
This Committee is by invitation only.

Kathryn Moody - Chair Lynnfield High School [email protected]
Nominating Committee 2024 - 2025:
Anthony Berry, Trinity College Mary Carper, Hollis Brookline High School Amy Chung, Boston College Michelle Cloutier, Bryant University Lisa Ellrich, University of Maine Farmington Scott Harris, Scarborough High School Courtney Kipp, Greenwich Country Day School Cassie McCue, Saint Anselm College Jack O'Keefe, Catholic Memorial High School Sarah Soule, Middlebury Union High School Diane Soboski, Portsmouth Abbey Mike Stefanowicz, Landmark College Kristin Vadeboncoeur, La Salle Academy Christina Doyle, NEACAC- Executive Director

NEACAC leadership provides professional development, opportunities for networking – and some fun! Board meetings are designed to conduct NEACAC business and present occasions to discuss issues important to the Association and the profession. NEACAC pays all relevant expenses.
The Nominating Committee is seeking candidates to run for President-elect (from the secondary side; NEACAC rotates secondary/collegiate leaders for this role), for Treasurer-elect, and for Secretary-elect. To nominate or self-nominate, click the links in the descriptions below.
Nomination Forms will are now closed.
The open positions are:
President-elect: The Presidency is a premier professional leadership position, playing a vital role in running and representing NEACAC. Presidents also have the opportunity to attend NACAC leadership events. The NEACAC Presidency is a three-year term (President-elect, President, Past-President) with an additional year as Nominating Committee Chair.
Treasurer-elect: NEACAC’s Treasurer serves in a three-year term; one year as Treasurer-elect (overlapping with and learning from the current treasurer), one year as Treasurer, and then one year as Past-Treasurer. The Treasurer, in consultation with the Executive Board, Executive Director, and Finance Committee, manages NEACAC’s finances, monitors and analyzes the budget, and makes recommendations about keeping NEACAC fiscally healthy.
Secretary-elect: The NEACAC Secretary plays an important leadership role on the Executive Board. The Secretary takes notes at all Executive and Goveming Board meetings and manages them as historical documentation. This role provides an excellent opportunity to learn more about the inner workings of NEACAC. The Secretary serves a three-year term.