Purpose: The New England Association for College Admission Counseling was founded in 1966 as a chartered affiliate of the National Association for College Admission Counseling. Its purpose is to establish and maintain high professional standards in admissions, financial aid counseling and guidance at secondary schools, colleges and universities.

Mission Statement: The New England Association for College Admission Counseling leads, supports and advances the work of counseling, admission and enrollment professionals by promoting ethical responsibility, professional development, and state, regional and national advocacy as they help all students realize their full educational potential, with particular emphasis on the transition to postsecondary education.

Membership: There are now more than 3500 members of NEACAC from every state in New England, with other memberships throughout the United States and internationally.

Governing Board: NEACAC is governed by officers and assembly delegates elected by the membership. Committee chairpersons are also voting members of the Governing Board.

Committee Participation: The activities of NEACAC are initiated and conducted by the committees which are vital to its existence. The participation of some committees is quite visible; while others act behind the scenes, all are equally important. The committees work together to produce a cohesive organization of volunteers that enhances the counseling of students of all ages who are seeking higher education.

Activities: Many activities are initiated by committee chairs throughout the year:

SUMMER INSTITUTE is held each year for persons who are new to the college counseling and admission professions. This four day workshop is held at a school or college in New England, with participants becoming involved with many discussions and helpful sessions designed to introduce them to their new career.

THE ANNUAL MEETING & CONFERENCE is held during May or June on a New England college campus. Usually, there are over six hundred people in attendance, coming from many colleges, universities and secondary schools throughout the United States. This 3-day meeting combines professional development programs with leisure activities and the opportunity to gather with colleagues. It is a highlight of the NEACAC year.

PROFESSIONAL WORKSHOPS are sponsored by several NEACAC committees including the Professional Development and IDEA committees.

COLLEGE FAIRS NEACAC annually sponsors a minimum of sixteen College Fairs in New England, with participation by over 400 colleges from New England and throughout the United States. Secondary schools are encouraged to have students attend these fairs to gain the benefit of contact with professional staff members or trained alumni representatives from college admission offices. NEACAC also cooperates with NACAC in sponsoring four national college fairs in our region.

PUBLICATIONS The E-Blast is published monthly and informs members of important counseling issues, activities of NEACAC, personnel changes, and national college counseling information.